Gervase Bushe - Professional Bio

Gervase (pronounced Jervis) Bushe is the Professor of Leadership and Organization Development at the Beedie School of Business at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada, one of the top 100 management research schools in the world. Gervase’s career spans over four decades of transforming organizational structures, culture and processes away from command and control toward more collaborative work systems. He is an award winning authour of over 100 papers and three books on organizational change, leadership, teams and teamwork. Clear Leadership (2009) has been translated into 9 languages and he has won the prestigious Douglas McGregor award twice for his research papers. He is internationally known for his research on, and elaboration of, the Appreciative Inquiry method of organizational change. His recent book, Dialogic Organization Development: The Theory and Practice of Transformational Change, co-edited with Robert Marshak (2015) is changing both the research and practice of transformational change. He edits and publishes the BMI Series of books in Dialogic OD and provides certification training programs in change leadership to organizations around the world. In 2016 the UK-based HR Magazine added him to their list of the 30 most influential HR thinkers in the world. in the world. to organizations around the organizations around the world.
Gervase has consulted to blue chip corporations and start-ups, public sector and business corporations, in a variety of sectors. One organizational transformation, described in The Change Champions Field Guide (2013), helped a Southern California healthcare company’s employee engagement scores go from the 61st to 91st percentile in three years. Another, described in the Dynamics of Generative Change (2020) transformed an outdated, unionized supply chain organization into a fully digital one in less than two years. For the first twenty years of his career Dr. Bushe focused on the design of collaborative organizations and the change processes needed to transform large command and control organizations. Over the past 15 years he has been studying the leadership and organizing processes needed to make these new organizational structures function effectively and the transformational change processes required for real cultural change. He supports managers who want to lead agile teams and self-managing organizations through his generative partnership based theory of organizational design and leadership. Over 100 certified facilitators have trained tens of thousands of managers in North America, Europe and Asia in his models and methods. He regularly gives talks to corporate and public audiences on leadership and change.
Gervase received his Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior from Case Western Reserve University. He was trained in laboratory education methods at the Sir George William's Centre for Human Relations and Community Studies in Montreal and is a certified T-group facilitator and OD consultant. He is a member of the NTL Institute of Applied Behavioral Science, Past Director of Professional Development and a past Co-Chair of Human Systems Development Professionals and an Associate of the Taos Institute for social construction theory and practice. He is a an associate with numerous consulting companies.
For a list of publications and academic honours download his C.V.
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